AntiViral Toolkit Pro 3.0
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Complete prevention, detection, and elimination of thousands of computer viruses and trojan horse programs. Virus scans recursively within ZIP, ARJ, RAR, LHA, LZH, ZIP2EXE, RARSFX, ARJSFX, and LHASFX archives, and additionally, PKLITE, EXEPACK, DIET, LZEXE, COMPACK, and COM2COM runtime compression. Also, virus scans within FX-LOCK, CPAV, and FILESHIELD immunized programs. Decrypts and searches within CRYPTCOM, CRYPTCOM-B, DROPPER-A, DROPPER-B, DROPPER-C, DROPPER-D, ENCRCOM/EXE and PROTECT 4.0 encrypted programs. Detects and removes MACRO VIRUSES. Heuristic virus scanning engine detects 80% of new 'unknown' viruses.